Topositus is the place

Where researchers collaborate and solve problems

Our Mission

Topositus aims to create a community for scientists and people interested in science. The engine that drives this community is the discipline of mathematics and physics, and its myriad connections to all aspects of human endeavour.

Our mission is to provide a dynamic and strong institutional platform that will nurture out-of-the-box thinking, work together with the industry, attract leading mathematicians and scientists from all over the world, and serve of the needs of the society and our world at large.

Become a member

You want to use your skills to solve problems that we meet in the world and you have some BIG goals that you want to reach.

  • Do you have a PhD degree and publications in journals?
  • Do you have a passion for applied sciences?
  • Do you want to work with other researchers in Denmark?
  • Do you want to to improve the world that we live in?



Become a member now and be ready to change the world

Fields that we can improve